ARTIST TRADING CARDS are miniature works of art created on 2 ½ X 3 ½ inch or 64 X 89 mm card stock. they are originals, small editions and, most importantly, self-produced. anybody can produce them.
the idea is that you trade them with other people who produce cards, either at TRADING SESSIONS or wherever you meet another ATC trader in person.
It's not about money: participants in trading sessions and editions should not be charged any money: the point of the project is the exchange of cards as well as personal experience.
the project was initiated in 1997 by zurich artist m.vänçi stirnemann.
Wbrew pozorom nie jest to łatwa forma. Powierzchnia do "zagospodarowania" jest naprawdę niewielka więc każdy element kompozycji musi być przemyślany.
I zdjęcie na 13 dzień march photo a day challenge - a sign
Oglądam i podziwiam :D Cudne ATC, już ostrzę sobie ząbki na wymianę :D